The Rising Star Awards recognize distinguished contributions to science involving X-ray, neutron, or electron diffraction and/or imaging by early career researchers.

The Award:

Up to five Rising Star awards will be presented at the Crystal 35 meeting. The awardees will receive a $300 cash prize and will present their research in a dedicated session on the final day of the conference.

  1. These awards will be presented to applicants who are members of SCANZ at the time of the conference.

  2. The award is based on the following information:

    -A personal statement detailing: (1) the applicant’s research achievements in the areas of X-ray, neutron or electron diffraction and/or imaging and (2) how receipt of the award will support their career development.

    -A one-page CV.

    -A letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor (one page).

    -An abstract of their planned presentation at Crystal 35.

  3. Candidates with up to 5 years (FTE) post-PhD research experience will be considered for the award. Career interruptions (including periods of part-time employment) should be detailed in the application form and performance relative to opportunity will form an integral part of the assessment of applications.