Registrations Now Open

Registration Type Early Bird Rate
(available until 30 July 2021)
Full Conference Registration
AUD $300
AUD $400
Student Full Conference Registration
AUD $100
AUD $150
Presenter and Co-Authors
AUD $100
AUD $100
NSW Health Personnel (Government, University and State Employees)
AUD $150
AUD $250


There is a discount available for full registration delegates who attended SSS 2020. Please check your email if you have previously attended the Symposium for your special link.
You must be a ‘full conference registration’ delegate to receive this discount. If you did not receive the special link, contact Gemma-ann Taylor at ASN Events.


Terms and Conditions

+ Registration Rate

To be eligible for the student rate, delegates must be engaged in full time academic study, provide their student number on the registration application form, and if asked, provide a copy of their student card as well as a letter supporting their status from the head of their department.

Trade registration includes all registration entitlements. Some trade passes may be included as part of your involvement, please refer to the Sponsors & Exhibitors Manual or contact Jordyn Trolove on for more information.

To be eligible for the 'early bird' rates, the registration process must be completed prior to the early bird deadline.

+ Registration Process

You can register for the Sydney Spinal Symposium 2021 by clicking the link above when available. This will take you to the Currinda online registration system. If you have attended an ASN Events conference before, you will need to log in to your profile as a returning delegate with your original email and password.

If you are registering with Currinda for the first time, you need to register as a new delegate. You will be taken to a page where you can enter your personal details. This will be the only time you will ever need to enter your details for any event run by this software.

Once you have completed your registration, you will receive a confirmation email, outlining what you have registered for. If you do not receive this email, either your email was entered incorrectly or your registration is not complete. If this happens, please contact the secretariat, please do not re-register.

You can use your email and password to access your registration at any time to make any necessary changes such as adding additional add-ons, making a payment, downloading your certificate of attendance or your current invoice.

If you wish to make changes to your registration type after you have registered, please email the details to the secretariat - do not re-register.

+ Registration Payment

A secure site is provided for online payment of your charges. This has its own section on the ‘dashboard’. The payment options are:

Credit card: Visa, MasterCard or American Express (please note surcharges apply: Visa/Mastercard: 1.25% | Amex: 2.95%) Cheque (either personal or from your institute) Direct debit (bank detials can be found on your invoice) An Australian Tax Invoice will be provided for all registrants once registered. You can reprint this and your receipt from your ‘dashboard’ at any time.

The ABN for the conference is 90 093 246 176. All rates quoted include GST and are in Australian dollars.

All online registrations are checked by the secretariat. If there is any query they will contact you. If you wish to make changes or additions after you have registered, return to your ‘dashboard’. The ‘dashboard’ also keeps a record of any abstract you have submitted.

ASN Events supports responsible use of on-line credit card transactions and reports suspected fraudulent activity to Federal police and the Immigration office.

+ Cancellation Policy

Registration cancellations will incur a cancellation fee of AU$50 if made in writing up to 35 days prior to the beginning of the conference. No refund is payable after that date, however registrations may be transferred to substitute delegates without incurring a fee.

+ Insurance

The Registration fee does not include insurance of any kind and the Meeting Secretariat cannot take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance. Delegates are encouraged to make their own insurance arrangements to cover any loss caused by unforeseen delay, circumstance or cancellation.